Janani Viswanathan

About Janani Viswanathan

Janani Viswanathan, is a proud stay @ home mom of twin boys and an ex-software professional. She rejoices her motherhood and spreads the happiness by sharing her experience in raising twin kids. She loves to explore the world of parenting and discover numerous ways to bring up emotionally and physically strong children. If she isn't blogging, then you can presume that her little ones are keeping their mom busy.

Meet the Twin Moms series is a platform to engage with fellow Twin Mamas around the world. Ms. Parkhi Awasthi Hukku is the beautiful lady meeting us today.

Meet The Twin Moms – Ms. Parkhi Awasthi Hukku

In this one year of blogging, there are many new concepts which I have explored. But there is one thing which makes me feel ecstatic and overjoyed. Yes! I am talking about Meet the Twin Moms series. After featuring two wonderful twin mamas I am extremely glad I commenced this […]

Chatting with the Real-life twin moms is a bliss. Today we have Ms. Kanika Jain sharing about her incredible journey with her twins at Meet the Twin Moms.

Meet the Twin Moms – Ms. Kanika Jain (Misha) 2

Welcome all again to Meet the Twin Moms series. Today we are having a leisurely chit-chat with an amazing twin mom Ms. Kanika Jain (Misha) from Panipat, India. She has 2.5-yr-old cute little twin girls and she will be sharing her invaluable experience of raising twins with us. If you are a Twin […]

Meet the Twin Moms – Ms. Sulbha Bathwal

Meet the Twin Moms is all set to kick-start its journey and I am glad to publish our first interview of this series on Mother’s day. This was not in my plan. What a beautiful coincidence? Isn’t it? Well! So we are heading to a good start. Today our maiden […]

Dental pulpotomy treatment for children is becoming very common. Read more to know what is it, who will need it and how is it done?

Facts about Dental Pulpotomy Treatment for Children

Grove Dental Associates shares their knowledge of family and pediatric dentistry with our readers. Today they are presenting some noteworthy information about Pulpotomy treatment for children. This infographic will help you understand what is Pulpotomy, who will need it and how is it done for kids.  Over to Grove Dental. […]

Twin Moms are different! Do you wonder why? Read more to know about their peculiar features and why they have to behave so!

Twin Moms are Different and Why? 4

Being a twin mom is very different from being a Mom. There are many factors which make twin parenting arduous and distinct. But twin moms are many times pushed under the scanner and judged for their bizarre behaviors. They are often guesstimated and misconstrued. Some times people pay no heed […]