Healthy Food Corner

Looking for healthy & yummy recipes for your pregnancy diet or feeding period or for your babies or kids or for yourself? Check out our Healthy Food Corner.

We have a team of wonderful Mommy chefs who will be contributing traditional, healthy and yummy recipes to Twins & Me’s Healthy Food Corner.

There is no diet that will do what eating healthy does.

Skip the diet and just EAT HEALTHY.

The recipes would be perfect for pregnant moms, feeding moms, infants and toddlers/kids. There is a special section for Moms too. We have tagged the recipes under these categories.

Please click on the relevant section to view the recipes.

Recipes for Pregnant Moms

Pregnancy is the main phase of any woman’s life. You have to care for yourself and the little blossoming buds within you.

Eating well and right is the key for a healthy pregnancy.

If you are carrying twins, your twin fetuses would be eagerly waiting for your meal times . “What are you going to eat for us today mommy?” Surprise the little ones with healthy dishes every day from our Healthy Food Corner.

Recipes for Feeding Moms

Keeping yourself healthy after tedious phases of pregnancy and delivery is essential. Especially if you underwent a c-section, regaining all the strength back to your body might be your immediate goal.

You have to be strong enough to attend and care for your babies.

More than everything, if you are a twin mama, there are two babies relying on you for their food and growth.

So feeding moms, check out our Healthy Food Corner for some healthy, traditional recipes which will benefit your health and support lactation.

Recipes for Infants

After six months of age, your infant will be slowly introduced to new taste and new food. This is the time where you have to be more alert, as a good impression about food needs to be created in your baby.

You should spend concrete time in preparing creative food, feeding your baby patiently, introducing healthy meals and avoiding junks.

Let him feel the hunger and then eat.  Avoiding junks would  actually be the key, to make your kid love good food. This will motivate him to stick to healthy dining habits in future.

With twins, feeding two little tots will be challenging. You should create a passion and love towards food and make sure they are not going to hate meal times. This is the crucial stage. If your babies start to like food and have an urge to eat, life is going to be much easier for you in the coming years.

Look for some healthy start up recipes for your infants in our Healthy Food Corner.

Recipes for Toddlers and Kids

Interview mommies about feeding their toddler or kid and don’t be surprised if you hear the same kind of answers from most of them. “OMG!”, “Is there any other job tougher than this?”,”Oh ! please don’t ever remind me about it!” and still more.

As a mother we wish to make every meal a nutritious one for our kids.

But here in a world showcasing junk food, there is no wonder if your kids develop an aversion towards vegetables, fruits and other healthy food.

It is however much necessary to set good food habits right from the day they start with their solid food. But if you haven’t done that already it is still not too late. Even at this stage, you can bring the love for food and cultivate healthy eating habits.

There are many ideas available in the internet for toddler recipes. Here in our recipe corner we contribute to this huge list with some healthy, yummy kids recipes.

Recipes for Moms

We moms are very conscious about the health, diet and everything about our family that we often forget to care for ourselves.

Self care is most important for any mom.

If we are not caring for ourselves, we cannot serve as the backbone of our family.

To cope up with the needs of everyone, we should satisfy our needs first. We should be hale and healthy which means we should include healthy food in our daily diet.

Watch this section for some yummy, healthy recipes exclusively for moms. We do consider that you are weight conscious too 😉


Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body.


Image credits : Recipes for Pregnant Moms by bortescristian via / CC BY ; Recipes for Toddlers & Kids by Breakfast Is the Most Important Meal via photopin (license) ; Recipes for Moms by quangtruong07 Flickr via Compfight cc

Note : Added text to the original images used in this post.